Still waiting for my framework laptop to be shippeded. 😩

Day 5 of being impatient that my framework laptop hasn’t shipped

It’s a euphoric feeling when you start worrying about work tomorrow and then realise that it’s a bank holiday.

Was considering buying a MacBook Air next week once I was paid but decided that for my use case it was vastly overpaying so decided to instead go for a framework laptop which I can upgrade later if needed and save money too!

Bank holiday on Monday which means 1 thing. Time to go goblin mode for the next 3 days with some non stop factorio.

Can’t believe I’m actually this excited for an election. Probably won’t change too much in the short term at least but it feels like there’s hope for once.

We’re claiming 4th of July back for ourselves baby!

One day I will have some self respect and do things the easy way.

If mid was a place it would be Slough

This year it is my mission to get as many streetpass hits as possible. So far it has been bleak. Two trips to London a trip to Manchester and a trip to Birmingham and no hits as of yet.

I finally got around to watching Pokémon Concierge and man it’s the most wholesome shit I’ve ever seen.

Man my trip to japan is in april feels like ay this rate it will be here tomorrow.

Its been a long week